Love it or hate it, AI is here, and it's here to stay. That being said, we need enough people to know how it works before it takes over the world. I have a basic grasp of machine learning, up to and including neural networks, which I plan to review and expand on to include generative AI and other modern approaches to machine learning.
A field I have always been interested in. Taking math, statistics, and programming to create a system that makes money on its own. While this sounds too good to be true, with enough work and dedication, these systems can and have been created. It would also be exciting to combine this field with the aforementioned AI and machine learning to see if they can produce significant results.
I grew up playing a lot of video games, these days I don't play as much as I long for another good reason to load Skyrim again. Regardless, I have always wanted to make a game, and I would like to do that on this website as a creative outlet.
Good web design is an art, which is why I will continue to improve the design and layout of this website. One of the first steps I will take is to include some kind of Javascript generated visuals since they can be done in-line. Currently, this website is running the Django framework on a serverless platform. This means additional servers or services would be required to have a database or serve static files. I chose this setup because it is cost efficient and simple to use. However, as the website grows and requires more resources, I will continually upgrade the framework and platform.